December 24 2014

December 24 2014


  • BLACK FRIDAYCrossFit 858 Holiday GIFT CARDS!! Give the gift of fitness!  CLICK HERE ENDS 12/25!!
  • YOGA! WOMENS CLASS! KB CLASS! All FREE with your membership!  CLICK HERE
    • 12/24: 9am class,10am class, open gym 11-1pm no yoga, 12/25 CLOSED, 12/26: 9am class,10am class, open gym 11-1pm
    • 12/31: 9am class,10am class, open gym 11-1pm no yoga, 1/1 CLOSED, 1/2: 9am class,10am class, open gym 11-1pm


Wendler Program Notes:

  • Determine your “base number”.  Base number= 90% of your 1RM + 5lbs.
  • “+” denotes do that number of reps and then as many as you can until failure

Strict press: 3×5

Set 1: 5 reps at 65% of base number

Set 2: 5 reps at 75% of base number

Set 3: 5+ reps at 85% of base number


7 Back Squats*

5 Power Cleans

800m run

3 Rounds for time

Rx: 135/95

RxA: 185/135

*Barbell comes from ground