- LIVESTRONG WOD Fundaiser for JERRY!! Saturday December 6! CLICK HERE
SWOD: 25 mins
Deadlift Week 10: 1 RM Testing
- 35% x 5 reps
- 45% x 3 reps
- 55% x 1 rep
- 65% x 1 rep
- 75% x 1 rep
- 85% x 1 rep
- 95% x 1 rep
- 105% x 1 rep*
If you make this, you can try up to two more attempts:
- 110% x 1 rep
- 115% x 1 rep
If these new one rep max jumps seem too much, feel free to make smaller jumps of 5 to 10 pounds.
EMOM 7 min
3 Bar Muscle ups (Sub 3 CTB Pullups)
3 Kipping Pullups
3 Strict Pullups