- LIVESTRONG WOD Fundaiser for JERRY!! Saturday December 6! CLICK HERE
- 4th Annual Ugly Xmas Sweater Party and White Elephant: Friday December 12th! CLICK HERE
- YOGA and Kettlebell class are COMING SOON! Stay tuned!
- BLACK FRIDAY GIFT CARDS!! Give the gift of fitness! CLICK HERE
Wendler Program Notes:
Determine your “base number”. Base number= 90% of your 1RM.
“+” denotes do that number of reps and then as many as you can until failure
Back Squat: 3×3
Set 1: 3 reps at 70% of base number
Set 2: 3reps at 80% of base number
Set 3: 3+ reps at 90% of base number
AMRAP 14 min
12 Front Rack Lunges (95/65)
10 Push Presses (95/65)
8 Bar Facing Burpees
6 Strict Pullups