- Please welcome our two new coaches: Alli Morris and Mike Burton!! CLICK HERE
- 2014 Halloween Party is on Friday October 24!!! CLICK HERE
- Stupid Easy Paleo Nutrition Seminar w/Steph Gaudreau!! Saturday October 25th! Learn about nutrition and the Paleo lifestyle! CLICK HERE!
- The Miramar Air Show is in town now through Sunday. Plan for heavy traffic delays!!
Split Jerk 20 mins to find a 1Rep Max
Recommended warm up:
- 3 @50%
- 3 @66%
- 2 @80%
- 1 @85%
- 1@90%
- 1@100%
- 1@103% and continue up by 3-5%
AMRAP 12 min
6 Deadlifts
4 Hang Cleans
2 Shoulder to Overhead
200m run
Rx: 155/115
RxA: 185/135