- Our barbell club, ATG, will be FREE to all active members for the month of
June!ALL SUMMER!!!! Take advantage of this opportunity to refine your olympic lifting skills!! - SUMMER SPECIAL 2014!! $99/month for 3 months!! CLICK HERE
Back Squats: 1 set of 20 reps*
*Weight is your 5lbs MORE than your last 20 rep session
**If you failed between reps 15-19, use same weight as last session
***If you failed with less than 15 reps, go down 5lbs.
(10 mins to warm up to work to your working set, 3-5 mins for your set)
rest 5 mins prior to WOD
AMRAP 10 mins
10 Alternating Pistols
10 Toes to Bar
10 Burpee Box Jumps
200m run
Rx: 24/20
RxA: Weighted Pistols 35/18 and 30/24