Olympic Lifting 101 seminar

Olympic Lifting 101 seminar


We will be holding an Olympic lifting 101 seminar focusing on the Snatch.  The purpose of this seminar is to cover the BASICS of this lift.  This will be an opportunity to go a little more in depth in learning proper positioning and movement of this intricate lift.  If you feel like you’ve always wanted more time in class, this is your opportunity.

Who is this for:

Since this is a basic intro level class, this is for beginner/novices ONLY.   In loose terms: roughly a year of CrossFit or less.  If you are intermediate level and above, this will not be for you.


Saturday March 22nd 1pm-2:30pm


FREE for CrossFit 858 members, capped at 30 attendees.  Nick and Mark will be leading.

We are offering this as an added value to your membership and will be conducting these periodically.  Next time, we will be teaching the clean and jerk.  See you there!

How to sign up:

Email coachmark@crossfit858.com to secure your spot.  This will be first come, first serve.