Gil, Del, JeffTat, Brian S, and Pat R. blow off some steam. How do YOU spend time outside of the gym?
- Saturday September 14, 2013: Memorial WOD for Chris Kyle. CLICK HERE for more info
- We have Stronger Faster Healthier proteins and fish oils back in stock!! From now on, you will buy these online via our MINDBODY site first, then Coach Mark will bring them in. There will be a “Will Call” box in the office with your product waiting for you. We will NOT BE SELLING OR CARRYING SFH products on site! We are still selling this at a discount from retail for our members. CLICK HERE to shop.
- Thanks to our new gym manger, Coach Ben, we have professional grade wood installed for Olympic lifting. Please do NOT drop anything besides bumper plates on them. Think rock scissors paper where wood beats rubber, but metal screws up all. 🙂
- Saturday, August 17th 2013, come support fellow CrossFit 858 athletes as they compete at the Left Coast Invitational. We will have a shortened schedule that day. Classes at 8am, 9am, and free beginner 10am class only.
SWOD: Build up to a 1RM Clean and Jerk
A1) Static barbell lunges 12/12/12/12 (6 reps on each leg)
A2) Weighted plank holds 45-60 sec x 4 sets