March 4 2013

March 4 2013


  • SIGN UP for the CrossFit Open!!  CLICK HERE
  • During the CrossFit Open, all Saturday classes will be the Open WOD of that week.  Competitors that are signed up for the Open will WOD together at 12pm

Monday 3/4


AMRAP in 3 min

5 Toes-to-bar

5 Ground to overhead (95#/65#)

Rest 1 min

AMRAP in 6 min

10 Toes-to-bar

5 GTO (95#/65#)

10 Sit-ups

Rest 2 min

AMRAP in 9 min

15 Toes-to-bar

5 GTO (95#/65#)

10 Sit-ups

10 Lateral burpees over barbell