January 25 2013

January 25 2013

Our hero, Bernard, hitting the weights for the first time in months!


  • VERY Important and near to all of CrossFit 858′s hearts, Dee and Hilary have started a team in training page for our beloved Bernard.  Please help them reach their goal of $5,000.  My challenge to you isn’t IF we can reach $5,000, but it’s to see how far ABOVE we can go.  CLICK HERE for more info.
  • CrossFit 858 Team Tournament!!  Saturday February 23rd!  CLICK HERE!

SWOD: Deadlift 6/6/5/5/4/4 (By the time you get to the sets of 5 you should be at 75% of more of your 1RM)


A1) Barbell Good mornings 8/8/6/6

A2) Behind the neck push-press 5/5/5/5