- VERY Important and near to all of CrossFit 858′s hearts, Dee and Hilary have started a team in training page for our beloved Bernard. Please help them reach their goal of $5,000. My challenge to you isn’t IF we can reach $5,000, but it’s to see how far ABOVE we can go. CLICK HERE for more info.
- CrossFit 858 Team Tournament!! Saturday February 23rd! CLICK HERE!
- LADIES NIGHT is back! Friday February 8th 7pm. CLICK HERE
SWOD: OHS 3/3/3/2/2 (Use a snatch balance for your first rep of each set. Aim to use 90% or more of your 1RM for the sets of 2)
A1) 25 “Heavy” KB Swings x 4 sets
A2) 3 rope ascents x 4 sets (Use this as a chance to practice rope climbs if you can’t)