- Introducing CrossFit 858/Pete’s Premade Paleo’s 30 Day Paleo Challenge!! CLICK HERE for more info on how to participate and prizes!! THE CONTEST STARTS AUGUST 1ST!!! WE KICK OFF AT THE 7PM CLASS! THERE WILL BE A WOD!!
SWOD: Deadlift 6/6/5/5/5 (Start your first set at 65% of your 1RM and gradually increase the weight as you move through your sets)
Pause at the bottom of each rep and reset your back, do not use the “touch and go” method.
Buy in: 50 push-ups
1.5 mile run (1 mile route, where you turn around at the western pedestrian entrance of the Ashley Furniture pyramid, followed by TWO 4oom runs)
Cash out: 50 push-ups
-For time-