WOD June 18 2012

WOD June 18 2012


  • Pete’s Premade Paleo at CrossFit 858!!!!Are you Paleo?? No time?  No knowledge?  No variety?NO EXCUSES!!! Have GOURMET Premade Paleo meals prepared for you, and personally delivered to CrossFit 858 for pick up!!!  CLICK HERE for more info!!! Remember to order by Monday night at midnight for Thursday delivery!!!
  • Check out our newest testimonials from Brian Lowe and Oscar Armstrong!


Mobility: Bottom up hamstring stretch (http://www.t-nation.com/free_online_article/most_recent/break_up_those_hips_and_fix_that_squat), 1 min each leg x 2 sets

SWOD: Overhead squats 5/5/4/4/4 (Start your first set over 75% of your 1RM) then,

A1) Walking lunges, 18 steps x 4 sets

A2) Strict push-ups 15/15/15/15