Instead, join us and our “sister gym”-CrossFit Mission Gorge at Mission Bay Park for:
Memorial Day “Murph”
WOD/cookout potluck. We hold something like this each year to celebrate and honor the lives of our fallen warriors who sacrificed themselves so that we may live a better life.
The “Murph” WOD is well known throughout the CrossFit Community but yet many still don’t know who Lt. Michael P. Murphy is, or what he did.
Read about Lt. Michael Murphy HERE
We will be meeting at Mission Bay Park (same area that we held the Ted Hoyt WOD). *There is a large Blue Pavilion. (
The “Murph” WOD will be modified as there are no pull-up bars for us to use. The WOD will look like this:
Buy in: 1 mile run
100 Sit-ups
200 Push-ups
300 Air Squats
Cash Out: 1 mile run
-For time-
You may scale the WOD down, or work in teams of two (or three).
We will plan on meeting at the park around 10am, and we will kickoff the WOD at 10:30am. Once people start finishing, around 11:30 or so, we will begin the cookout.