WOD December 17 2011

WOD December 17 2011


Look who it is!! Rene!!

WOD (previously done on 8/26/2011)

10 Overhead squats (65#/45#)

10 Chest to bar pull ups

10 Knees to elbows

600m run

10 Overhead squats

10 Chest to bar pull ups

10 Knees to elbows

400m run

10 Overhead squats

10 Chest to bar pull ups

10 Knees to elbows

200m run

10 Overhead squats

10 Chest to bar pull ups

10 Knees to elbows

-for time-

NOTE: When the 10lb plates are used alone, please do not drop them from higher than waist level.  They are not meant to be dropped and cracks will form.  THANKS!