WOD October 5, 2011

WOD October 5, 2011


Buy in: 1 mile run (On Ramp: 1/2 mile)

4 rounds

15 hang cleans (95#/65#)

15 double unders

15 sit ups

Cash out: 1 mile run (on ramp: 1/2 mile)

-For time-

1 Mile route:

  • Head out to Miramar road from our parking lot
  • Take a right and go WEST on Miramar Rd
  • Turn RIGHT onto Carroll
  • TURN AROUND in front of the Carroll entrance of the Ashley Furniture Pyramid

Turn around here! This is on Carroll Rd

Don’t forget!  OPEN GYM Wednesdays fro 7pm-8pm and Saturdays from 11am-12pm

Christina doing unassisted pullups!!