WOD October 4, 2011

WOD October 4, 2011


A1) Ring dips 10/10/10/10

A2) Pistols 14/14/14/14 (7 each leg)



AMRAP in 6 min

Max. Kettlebell swings (53#/35#)

8 Burpees at the top of each min

Score = total KB swings


1.) DON’T FORGET!!  Spots are still open for the CrossFit 858/Mission Gorge/Elysium Throwdown on November 12th!!  CLICK HERE for more details and to sign up!

2.) You asked for it, and now you get it!  OLYMPIC WEIGHTLIFTING CLINIC!!!  This clinic will be held on Saturday October 15th, from 1pm -4pm.  Led by USAW Olympic Weightlifting Coach Jesse Malcomb, this clinic will cover the fundamentals for the Clean and Jerk and the SNATCH.  All SKILL LEVELS WELCOME!  This could be especially useful for those that are planning on competing in the throwdown.  For more info, go to our “News and Announcements” Tab or CLICK HERE!

Lauren throwing up some weight with purpose!