WOD October 26, 2011

WOD October 26, 2011

CrossFit 858 Halloween Contest:

Dressing up on Monday?  CLICK HERE for more info!


Fletcher Fitness Nutrition Course:

REMINDER: Sign up now for our next Fletcher Fitness Nutrition Course!!  Wednesday night November 2nd, from 6:30pm-8pm.

What to expect:

-Specific body composition measurements

-Paleo & Zone block recommendations

-Guidance on pre/post workout nutrition

-Help with goal setting and motivation

We highly recommend that all members of the CrossFit 858 Community attend this course. You will gain insight and education on the right nutrition for CrossFit.

This course is only $45 and is limited to 8 participants.

For more info CLICK HERE



OC Throwdown Qualifier WOD #1

AMRAP in 10 min

75 double unders (sub. = 150 single skips)

50 Games Standard box jumps (24″/20″)

25 shoulder to overhead (105#/70#)

Rest 5 min

AMRAP in 10 min


5 pull ups

10 push ups

15 air squats
