WOD October 24, 2011

WOD October 24, 2011

IT’S BACK!!  The Fletcher Fitness Nutrition Course is back on Wednesday November 2nd.  Sign up online on our Mindbody online store or in person!  For more info click HERE


THANK YOU for making the WOD in the Park/BBQ a huge success.  It was great to see everyone and such a proud moment to see how much we have evolved since we started in the park.  Here are some photos, and more can be found in our FaceBook page HERE














SWOD: Hang clean and jerk 8/8/8/8/8


4 rounds for time

200 m run

10 Kettlebell sumo deadlift high pull (53#/35#)

15 Swings (53#/35#)

20 Air squats