WOD September 3rd, 2011

WOD September 3rd, 2011

Skills Practice: Kipping on olympic rings using a false grip/muscle up development


1 mile run

-For time-

Then go immediately into:

Max Power clean and jerk (95#/65#)

-AMRAP in 2.5 min-

1 mile route:

You can either run the 200m run eight times, OR:

  1. Run from our starting point to Miramar Rd
  2. Run right, ON THE SIDEWALK down Miramar Rd
  3. Turn around at the corner of Carroll and Miramar in front of the Pyramid (0.5 miles)
  4. Run back
Aerial view of the running route:

This path is 0.5 miles. Turn around and back equals 1 mile

What is a muscle up?  Check out Gil’s first one ever: