WOD September 12, 2011

WOD September 12, 2011


A1) Hang cleans 5/5/5/5/5 (sets must be done “unbroken”)

A2) Toes-to-bar 10/10/10/10



AMRAP in 10 min

6 deadlifts (185#/135#)

12 hand lift push ups

18 box jumps (24″/20″)

CrossFit 858 Weekly Challenge

This week’s weekly challenge is: Max reps of Unbroken Double Unders, 2 attempts


  1. The weekly challenge can be performed either before or after a class
  2. Any member of CrossFit 858 can participate
  3. Participants MUST be judged by a coach. Any reps that do not meet full Range of Motion (ROM) will be “no repped”
  4. Participants can attempt the weekly challenge as many times as they wish until Saturday 1:00pm each week
  5. Winners will have bragging rights (within humble limits)