This has been a long-time coming, but we are very excited our 30 Day Health Challenge! In our industry, there is a strong focus on diet plans, weight-loss goals and body image composition. However, those are a means to an end.
How often do we focus on what truly matters, our HEALTH?!?
This will be a friendly competition to track how we make healthy choices and motivate us to make better ones. This isn’t just about pounds lost, but really about improving accountability in all aspects of our lives.
At our gyms we are a family and we want us all to succeed in life, our fitness, and our health! This is a perfect way to track our healthy life choices and make good ones. We will be there for moral support along the way so, PLEASE lean on the community for help and motivation! We will be doing this all together!
You are encouraged to create chatter and motivation for each other live in the gyms AND on our facebook group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/297455064042062/?source=create_flow
We will score points daily and enter them into a Google spreadsheet daily. The link will be located in the Facebook group.
Points will accrue for the following:
- 4 Points for each meal of eating strictly from the healthy Nutrition Navigation template guidelines (Max 12 points/day,84 Points/week)
- Nutrition Navigation is our in house macronutrient meal planning template. CLICK HERE for more info
- 3 Points for each meal of eating from a template other than ours or not using a template (Max 9 points/day, 63 points/week)
- 2 Points for each WOD or NonStop at CrossFit 858, max 1 workout per day, 5 days a week (Max 10 points/week) *If WOD, it must be posted to SugarWOD to count.
- 3 Points for sleeping at least 8 hours per night (Max 21 points/week)
- You will lose points for the following:
- -3 for each cheat meal you have
- -2 If you go over 1WOD/day
- -2 If you sleep less than 5 hours that night.
We encourage you to take your own before and after photos and weigh ins. However, this is about so much more than just weight loss. We also encourage biomarker tests with your physician such as a lipid panel
At the end of the 30 days, the top 3 winners will receive prizes!
How to enter
There is a small buy in to participate:
- $35/buy in with includes your own Nutrition Navigation template (regularly $40/month, or
- $30/buy in without our Nutrition Navigation template
Easily paid or in person or online via your mindbody account!
If you wish to make things easy so you don’t need to cook, you can purchase meals from Territory Meal Deliveries. All 3 CrossFit 858 locations are drop off points for them.
We will start this challenge Sunday Night June 4th!! and will end on Monday July 3rd!
If you have any questions, please email me at coachmark@crossfit858.com
Good luck and have fun!