Nutrition Navigation

Nutrition Navigation


Introducing: CrossFit 858 Nutrition Navigation

In our efforts to provide continuous value and direction to our athletes, we are launching a long overdue and highly valuable resource:  Nutritional Guidance and Meal Planning.

One of the most difficult aspects of training is answering the question of “what do I eat?” Termed “Nutritional Navigation”, like the GPS in your car we will guide you via a roadmap to your fitness destinations.  We will provide guidance on EXACTLY what to eat, how much, and when.  Furthermore, unlike other templates, our Roadmaps are flexible and will adjust based on either 1. your new weight or 2. your feedback on how you feel.

Here’s how it works:

  • Each month you will be emailed a Roadmap based on your bodyweight and your goal of weight loss or gain
  • You will receive an additional updated Roadmap based on and tailored to your specific new body weight to ensure accurate measurements of food
  • You will be able to provide us feedback on your roadmap where we will answer questions or even revise your roadmap if necessary based on how you feel
  • You will communicate with us via this email: where our team will work together to provide you with the best service possible
  • There is also a private CrossFit 858 Nutrition Navigation Group to share thoughts, ideas, and recipes! (Access will be granted once you sign up and receive your welcome packet)

Benefits to you:

  • You will receive TAILORED nutritional guidance designed to help you meet your fitness goals
    • Roadmaps offer on and off day training meals
    • Roadmaps include structure for 3,4,5, and 6 meals a day to give you added flexibility!  We do not tie you to a specific number of meals!
  • You do not need to do any calculations on food amounts, we do the thinking for you.  This will help prevent under or overeating
  • You will receive ongoing support with fast responses to any questions or feedback that you may have

Details and pricing:

  • This program is for CrossFit 858 members only and is an add on to any membership
  • Cost is $40/month (vs $99-$500/month as compared to other industry offerings)
  • Updated Roadmaps are available once a month (if needed based on new weight) or more frequently (if based on performance or how you feel)
  • You may cancel at any time


To launch this initiative, we are holding a contest!!  Read below for details!

Contest Rules:

  • Contest starts today, February 14 2017 and ends right in time for beach season, June 14 2017
  • Since most will be asking for weight loss, pounds lost will be the judgement criteria.  The difference between first road map weight and the weight at the end of month 3 will be used.
  • You must have 3 consecutive months of having the Nutrition Navigation add on

Contest Prizes:

  • Top Male and Female “loser” will be awarded prizes at EACH CrossFit 858 location
  • Prizes are your choice of either 50% off one month’s dues OR 1 FREE hour long personal training session with a CrossFit 858 coach (topic and training agenda will be selected by winner i.e. you choose what you want to work on)

For any additional questions, please email or