Summer Special 2014

Summer Special 2014

Introducing the CrossFit 858 Summer Special for 2014





Still struggling with your New Year’s Resolution to lose weight or get in shape?  Noticing that summer is coming early this year?

No problem, there’s still time to get in gear!

Here’s how it works:

NEW MEMBERS: Sign up for a membership between now and July 24 th, 2014 and you get your first 3 months at $99 a month, billed monthly.  No initiation fee, no foundations fee, no commitment.  If you wish to become an athlete at CrossFit 858 after that, you may continue with any of our regular memberships.  Plain and simple.  Returning members are also eligible.

CURRENT MEMBERS:  You are also eligible for this reduced rate if you add 3 months to the end of whatever membership you are currently on.   The $297 rate is a one time fee paid immediately and the 3 additional months will be added to your membership.  These three months will not replace any months that you may currently be committed to.

Also remember this offer can be used in conjunction with our REFERRAL Program, so now’s the time to get people on board and save yourself some money too!