Policy on Auxiliary work during classes

Policy on Auxiliary work during classes

Policy on Auxiliary work during classes

There has been a recent trend of athletes wanting to do their own work in the back section of the gym during a regular class.  It’s been up in the air on the official answer so here it is.

My official stance on this is: YES*

*BUT, there are some rules:

  1.  This is on a first come first serve basis, and you may ONLY use the back rig, out of the way of the scheduled class
  2. If the class overflows to the back section and your space is needed.  You MUST IMMEDIATELY stop your workout at the request of a fellow athlete in that class or a coach.
  3. This applies to strength training only. Many people are experimenting with Hatch or Wendler etc.  Asking me if you can do more squats is like a child asking their parents for more vegetables or if I asked my asian parents for more math homework as a kid.  YES YES YES.  BUT, NO METCONS.  No WODs.  It gets too messy and crowded that way. If you want to get a WOD in, do the one that’s prescribed for that day.
  4. Please remember that open gym times are Weds 7pm, Saturday 11am, Sunday 10am-12pm.  You may work on ANYTHING during those times.
  5. Keep the noise down to a minimum.  We want you to socialize, have fun, but not at the expense of drowning out the active coach.  Please be aware and respectful.