Ever wonder what it’s like to be in CrossFit competition? Want to know how you stack up against the rest of CrossFit 858? Not ready to participate in a multi gym throwdown yet?
Here’s your chance to test yourself:
CrossFit 858 Valentine’s Day Massacre Throwdown
- Individuals will compete in 3 workouts over the course of the day
- Men’s or Women’s Division, with Rx or Scaled
- Prizes will be awarded to Podium finishers!
- CrossFit 858 members ONLY.
Movement requirements: Rx’d: Running, Rowing, Toes to Bar, Cleans, Deadlifts, Snatches, Overhead squats all at 95/65, Wall Balls 20/14 to 10′/9′
Scaled: Knees to Elbows, Cleans, Deadlifts, Snatches, Overhead squats all at 65/45, Wall Balls 20/14 to 9′/8′ Each entry will be evaluated to detect sandbaggers. 🙂
WOD1: “2012 CrossFit Games Clean ladder”
There will be barbells set up around the gym with ascending weights, starting with 115/55 for men and women then ending in 255/185. You will have 20 seconds at each barbell to complete ONE squat clean. After your first attempt at the clean, whether you succeed or fail, you may also start deadlifting the barbell. You may skip the deadlifts and take multiple attempts at the clean, if you fail your first. Each complete deadlift will add 0.1 lbs to your last completed clean weight. There is a 10 second transition time to the next station. You do not rotate to the next barbell until you hear the word “ROTATE”, and you do not lift until you hear the word “LIFT”
WOD 2: “You want me to do what?”
Run a 5K for time
WOD 3: “The Roaring 20’s”
READ CAREFULLY: 8 Stages to each Round. Score will be kept as “Stage 3, 15 cal row” or “Stage 4 19 T2B” or in the event a competitor gets through all 8 stages, they will start over with stage 1 and their score will be “1 Round, Stage 4: 2 Wall Balls” etc
15 min AMRAP (weights listed as RX:Scaled)
Stage 1: 20 Power Snatches (95/65: 65/45), 20 Wall Balls (20/14 to 10/9:9/8)
Stage 2: 20 Power Snatches, 20 Wall Balls, 20 OHS (95/65: 65/45)
Stage 3: 20 Power Snatches, 20 Wall Balls, 20 OHS, 20 cal row
Stage 4: 20 Power Snatches, 20 Wall Balls, 20 OHS, 20 cal row, 20 T2B:K2E
Stage 5: 20 Power Snatches, 20 Wall Balls, 20 OHS, 20 cal row, 20 T2B:K2E
Stage 6: 20 Power Snatches, 20 Wall Balls, 20 OHS, 20 cal row
Stage 7: 20 Power Snatches, 20 Wall Balls, 20 OHS
Stage 8: 20 Power Snatches, 20 Wall Balls
When: Saturday February 15, 2014 8:30am check in, 9:00am competition start. Expect the throwdown to end late afternoon or sooner.
Lunch will be provided by Pete’s Paleo as a part of your entry fee and food will also be available for spectators.
We are very pleased to say that Elite Health and Chiropractic and Prehabilitation will be on site offering their services for a special reduced cost to CrossFit 858 members!!!
Dr. Pawen Dhokal and his practice is the premier preventative health and wellness center providing exceptional treatment to the Downtown and Greater San Diego Area. Patients have many treatment options to relieve pain and discomfort and progress to a state of “ELITE Health.”
Dr. Dhokal provides Soft Tissue work/A.R.T. (Active Release Techniques), Injury Assessment, Chiropractic Adjustments, Massage, Physical Therapy, Nutritional Assessments, Sport Specific Stretching and Training for everybody from the Professional Athlete to the young professional. His regular clients include many of the San Diego Padres and Chargers!
Cost: To enter the tournament, there will be a small $30 fee, payable online via our Mindbody Online Store
How to sign up: Pay the entry fee via the Mindbody Online Store and Email Coach Mark at coachmark@crossfit858.com and let me know if you are Rx or Scaled
Have fun.