CrossFit 858 Achievement Clubs

CrossFit 858 Achievement Clubs


CrossFit 858 Achievement Clubs

We as athletes are driven to succeed, we are wired to set goals and accomplish them whether in life or here at the box. We are also designed to rise up and be better on a daily basis, wether you lift 1 pound more then your last PR or shave off a fraction of a second on your Fran time. Do you have a goal? Do you want something to strive for?

We are introducing 3 new achievement clubs here at CrossFit 858. A Power Lifting Club, Olympic Lifting Club, and the Fire Breathers Club.

To enter this higher echelon club you must meet all criteria listed.   Once you do, your name will go up on the achievement club’s board located near the leaderboards.

If you already qualify for one of these clubs, please let either coach, Mark or Ben, know and they will put your name up there.

Power Lifting Club: 800 lbs/600 lbs

The Power Lifts include:

Bench Press, Deadlift and Back Squat

To enter this club your combined total weight of the 3 power lifts must equal or exceed the above weight.

Olympic Lifting Club: 400 lbs / 200 lbs 

The Olympic Lifts include:

Snatch (Not Power) and the Clean & Jerk

To enter this club your two lifts must be equal or exceed the above weight.

Fire Breathers Club:

Fran 4:00 / 5:00

Diane 6:00

Cindy – 20

1 Mile Run – Sub 7:00

500m Row – 1:45 / 1:55

Deadlift – 350 / 225

Back Squat – 315 / 200

Clean & Jerk 190 / 125

All benchmarks must be done Rx.

“Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning.” – Benjamin Franklin

Monthly PR Board and Quarterly Goal Board 

We are also bringing back our PR Board!  Each month, whenever you hit ANY PR, please write your name and your PR up!!  Be proud of your accomplishments!!

For the Goal Board, write your name and what tangible and measurable goal you would like to accomplish within 3 months.

An example of a good goal would be: “Sub 4 minute Fran as Rx”  An example of a non specific goal would be: “Be better at CrossFit”

Goal setting is a practice that has helped CrossFitters far and near.  If you can picture it, put it up and work towards it!