WOD October 3, 2011

WOD October 3, 2011


“Bypassing the knees and the second pull”

Clean grip deadlift into the second pull (shoulder shrug) of the clean x2 then immediately execute a full clean from the ground x1. You will do this for 5 sets.

 *Keep the load you use less then 60% of your 1 rep max hang clean.







CrossFit 858, you are ready to tackle:



Thrusters (95#/65#)


-For time-

 Quick notes and additional reading:

1.)TAPE YOUR HANDS!! protect your hands!!  Here’s an ARTICLE on hand care and links to proper taping

2.) Please ensure FULL range of motion on ALL WODs, benchmark or not.  For Fran, if you have problems with going down to full depth on the thrusters (hip crease below the knees), bring out a med ball and put it behind your butt for a tactile signal that you’ve gone low enough.  If you are doing pullups and you can still see the bar above your head, you are not getting high enough (chin over the plane of the bar).  Remember, please count your REPS, not your ATTEMPTS and if you miss a rep, simply “No Rep” yourself and do another one to make up for it.

Coach Dawn Fletcher’s piece on cheating

Good luck guys and HAVE FUN with this benchmark!!!  Remember to keep moving!!

Here’s some additional reading on “Fran”:

CrossFit New England’s blog on “FRAN” (funny reference to Mondays as international “chest and tris” day)

Coach Ian’s PR on “Fran”
