CrossFit 858 THROWDOWN!!

CrossFit 858 THROWDOWN!!

Here it is guys!  Your opportunity to compete!!  Coach Mark and Coach Ian will be present to help guide you and coach you.  For those of you not competing, you are encouraged to come and support your fellow CrossFit 858 members.

Here are the details from the CrossFit Elysium website:

The competition will be held on 11/12/11 all day and is open to members of CrossFit Mission Gorge, CrossFit 858 and CrossFit Elysium. Beginners are encouraged and there will be a scaled and open division. Athletes who could qualify for regionals, and/or who have competed at the regional level- PLEASE DO NOT SIGN UP. We are specifically trying to encourage the beginning and intermediate level athlete to compete. Instead, consider judging for the day.

More details will be released as we finalize the event. Check back often!

When: Saturday, 11/12/11, ~ 0800-1700 (exact timeline will be posted soon).
Where: CrossFit Elysium- 4575 30th street, San Diego, CA 92116.
Who: The first 24 members (12 male, 12 female) each from CrossFit Mission Gorge, 858 or Elysium to register. 72 competitors max. Our goal is to fill both sexes equally, but if there are continued openings in one gender we will open it up to others.
Entry fee: 40$, includes T-shirt and covers event logistics and prizes. Payable when you register (link below).
Contact Info: 619-285-9456 or email Coach Leon-


Athletes can register for the scaled or open division. You will declare your division the morning of the event. There will be seperate men and women’s divisions. See the WODs to determine which division is right for you. Some guidelines to help you choose:
– the scaled division will involve movements that anyone can perform. If you routinely scale bodyweight movements such as pull ups or use lighter weights than Rx’d often then this division is for you. Judging will hold you to manageable standards, and the “spirit” of the judging will lean towards counting reps as “good”.
– the open division is for everyone else. You should be able to perform most if not all basic bodyweight movements as Rx’d, as well as be able to handle loads typically seen in CrossFit. Judging and ROM standards will be typical for a CrossFit competition.

Event 1:
10 pull ups, 10 box jumps (20in), AMRAP 8min.
Scaled division- 10 ring rows, 10 box jump or step ups (20in), AMRAP 8min.

Event 2:
Max weight ground to overhead in 8min. Each athlete will have their own station with a barbell and weights to load.
Scaled division- same.

Event 3:
30 KB swing (M 53/ W 35lb), 20 burpees, 10 thrusters (M 115/W 73lb), 3 rounds for time.
Scaled division- 30 KB swings (M 35/W 26lb), 20 burpees, 10 thrusters (M 75/W 53lb), 3 rounds for time.

– pull ups- arms start at full extension at the bottom, chin must clear the top of the bar when viewed from the side.
– ring rows- arms start at full extension at the bottom. Feet must be beyond a line approx 1 foot in front of the rings (will be marked). Rings must touch the body at the top of the pull.
– box jumps- movement begins on the ground. Both feet must contact the top of the box in some way. Hip must be completely open at some point after contact (ie, on top of the box or when jumping off afterwards). Step ups will not be allowed. Stepping down is acceptable.
– box step ups- the same as jumps except stepping up is allowed.
– ground to overhead- barbell must start on the ground and finish locked out overhead. The entire body should be in one line when viewed from the side (e.g, feet must be brought back to midline after a split jerk).
– KB swing- swing starts with the KB between the legs. The KB must be above the forehead or beyond at the top of the swing to count (ie, approximately vertical).
– burpees- movement starts standing up. Athlete will drop down and touch the chest and legs to the ground, and finish with a vertical jump. Hands must touch overhead during the jump to count.
– thruster- movement begins with the barbell racked across the shoulders in front. Athlete will squat so that the hip crease is below the knee. The movement finishes with the barbell locked out overhead, and the body is in one line when viewed from the side. Squat cleaning into a thruster when the barbell is on the ground is acceptable. Scaled division- if the athlete legitimately cannot squat below parallel, they will demonstrate their ROM to the judge beforehand. Each thruster must then reach this depth to count.

We have tried to keep the standards as simple and logical as possible. The movements have a beginning and an end point, and unless specified how you get there is up to you (Ex- you can do a strict pullup or a kipping pullup, as long as the ROM is satisfied. Ex 2- you can “jerk” the weight overhead in the thruster if you choose). All standards will be reviewed the day of the competition.

Prize structure-
For the scaled division, we’ll be offering some great prizes for the top three male and female competitors!

For the open division, we’ve added a twist. Instead of individual prizes, every competitor will be ranked according to their final placing. A higher placing scores more points, but even last place will earn a point. Each gym’s total score will be the sum of their individual athlete’s points, and the gym with the highest score will win the competition! In addition to bragging rights, this gym will take home the bulk of the entry fee in prize money, to be used however your affiliate owners feel will best improve your CrossFit experience. So-
– EVERYONE will be helping their gym by competing, regardless of placing
– The winning gym will owe their win to their individual athlete’s performances and be able to provide their members with new improvements!

To register: click HERE to be brought to our mindbody link. You will need to create an account if you don’t have one already. Click on the “seminars” tab and look for the registration link corresponding with your affiliate/gym AND your gender. Register and pay the entry fee and you should be all set! Please let your coaches know your T shirt size, we will be collecting this info from them when we put together the final order. Email Leon at with any issues.

Timeline: coming soon!

Judging: We will need volunteer judges for the event. Level I certification or above desired but not required. You should be familiar with the usual CrossFit standards and understand the event standards. Judges will receive a T-shirt for participating. Email Coach Leon at if interested. Thanks!